新華通訊社照片 第0843號 回大陸探親的台灣同胞 590438 上海市虹橋機場海關為前來探親的台灣同胞設立優先辦理入境手續的專櫃,受到歡迎,自一九八七年十一月二日台灣當局開放同胞赴大陸探親以來,已有七千多位台胞到達大陸各地。TAIWAN COMPATRTIOTS RETURN TO MAINLAND TO MEET THEIR RELATIVES Shanghai Airport outstoms offericial give Taiwan compatriots priority when going through the entrance formalities for mainland China. Since November 2, more than 7000 Taiwan compatriots have arrived on the mainland after the Taiwan authorities granted permission. XINHUA NEWS AGENCY Photo by Zhang Yuezhi 590438/0843 Dec.7,1987-兩岸交流-MOFA109179CF-2020-12-PH00045-019
新華通訊社照片 第0843號 回大陸探親的台灣同胞 590438 上海市虹橋機場海關為前來探親的台灣同胞設立優先辦理入境手續的專櫃,受到歡迎,自一九八七年十一月二日台灣當局開放同胞赴大陸探親以來,已有七千多位台胞到達大陸各地。TAIWAN COMPATRTIOTS RETURN TO MAINLAND TO MEET THEIR RELATIVES Shanghai Airport outstoms offericial give Taiwan compatriots priority when going through the entrance formalities for mainland China. Since November 2, more than 7000 Taiwan compatriots have arrived on the mainland after the Taiwan authorities granted permission. XINHUA NEWS AGENCY Photo by Zhang Yuezhi 590438/0843 Dec.7,1987