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台灣環頸稚(Ring-necked Pheasant),學名:Phasianus colchicus。色彩繽紛,臉紅色,頭頂藍褐色,頸部綠色,頸下有白色頸圈,很早以前在平地甘蔗田裡常看到牠,有時會帶著一群小寶貝出來散步,如今已相當稀少。Once a common sight on the sugar cane fields of Taiwan, the colorful ring-necked pheasant, with its red face, bluish brown crest, and green nape, is now rarely seen.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-068

藍腹鷴(Swinhoe、s Pheasant),學名:Lophura swinhoii。除帝雉之外,藍腹鷴是台灣另一種聞名國際,也是瀕臨絕種的鳥類,由於較接近人類生活的範圍,受到生存壓力比帝雉更大。其型態非常美麗,臉及腳為鮮紅色,拖著長尾巴,除頭頂、背及中央尾羽為純白色外,其他部位是光燦奪目的暗紅褐色及暗綠色。An endangered species native to Taiwan, Swinhoe、s blue pheasant has a red face, red feet, and an elegant shape. Except for the pure white on its crest, back, and central tail feathers, its entire body is a dazzling maroon and dark green.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-067

帝雉雄鳥(Mikado pheasant),學名:Syrmaticus mikado。全身藍黑色,有一黑白相間的漂亮長尾,臉頰鮮紅,喜好於晨昏時候在山中小徑上漫步、覓食。並且棲息於海拔一千八百公尺以上的原始闊葉林下層及濃密陡峭的坡上。Mikado pheasants, which inhabit hardwood forests and secluded steep slopes, often feed along mountain paths. The male has a bluish black body with long black and white tail feathers.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-065

楠梓仙溪(Nan-tse-hsien River Fish Sanctuary in Kaosiung County)。南台灣高雄縣的楠梓仙溪設立的魚類保護區,為了復育魚群,只有在每年夏、秋之交的非繁殖期,才開放約三個月的垂釣季,供遊客垂釣。保護區設立以來,由於一般民眾都能遵守規定,如今魚蝦成群、數量繁多。At the Nan-tse-hsien River Fish Sanctuary in Kaohsiung County, fishing is allowed only during the non-breeding period. As the public has for the most part respected the rules, fish and shrimp numbers at the sanctuary have risen dramatically.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-064

墾丁國家公園(Kenting National Park)。是台灣第一個國家公園,位於台灣南端,成立於一九八四年,園區除提供遊憩功能之外,還保育了許多亞熱帶的濱海植物和特殊的礁岩地形,更進行許多動植物保育計劃,其中最有名者即為台灣梅花鹿的復育與野放。Kenting National Park, founded in 1984, is located at the southern tip of Taiwan. Conservation work at the park covers subtropical coastal plants, reef formations, and wildlife. The Formosan sika deer preservation program is the most famous of the park、s conservation efforts.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-062