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墾丁國家公園(Kenting National Park)。是台灣第一個國家公園,位於台灣南端,成立於一九八四年,園區除提供遊憩功能之外,還保育了許多亞熱帶的濱海植物和特殊的礁岩地形,更進行許多動植物保育計劃,其中最有名者即為台灣梅花鹿的復育與野放。Kenting National Park, founded in 1984, is located at the southern tip of Taiwan. Conservation work at the park covers subtropical coastal plants, reef formations, and wildlife. The Formosan sika deer preservation program is the most famous of the park、s conservation efforts.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-062