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黃鶺鴒(Yellow wagtail),學名:Motacilla flava。體上灰褐色,有顯著的黃色眉斑,腹面在夏季時為鮮黃色,腳為黃色,喜歡在空中飛舞順便捕捉飛行中的昆蟲為食,主要棲息於平地草原、水邊等。The yellow wagtail takes its name from the color of its belly, which turns bright yellow in the summer. It lives on grassy plains and near the edge of water and catches flying bugs for food.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-105

黑臉巫鳥(Black-faced Bunting),學名:Emberiza spodocephala。黑臉巫鳥全身大部份為黑色,每年十月下旬到翌年五月來台渡冬,分佈範圍遍及全台各地和離島地區,從海邊到海拔兩千五百公尺之山區均可見其蹤跡,多在農地、草叢、灌木及樹枝上活動。Black-faced buntings stay in Taiwan from October to May and can be found from sea level all the way up to 2,500 meters.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-098