金斑鴴(American golden plover),學名:Pluvialis dominica。常小群出現在海岸附近的沙洲、沼澤、水田及空曠草地上棲息覓食,圖中金斑珩已成功的抓到一條長蟲。American goledn plovers often gather in small groups to search for food around sandbanks, marshes, paddies, and open grasslands near the coast.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-110

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  • 拍攝人員:葉銘源
  • 拍攝時間:
  • 拍攝地點:
  • 專題分類:生態保育
  • 檔案名稱:MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-110
  • 備註:


金斑鴴(American golden plover),學名:Pluvialis dominica。常小群出現在海岸附近的沙洲、沼澤、水田及空曠草地上棲息覓食,圖中金斑珩已成功的抓到一條長蟲。American goledn plovers often gather in small groups to search for food around sandbanks, marshes, paddies, and open grasslands near the coast.。