Taiwan: El guardián de los caracteres tradicionales chinos / 臺灣正體字(西班牙文版) 本影片為第二屆「全民潮臺灣」短片徵件競賽活動之影片,該活動由外交部舉辦,透過短片徵件競賽,發掘優良短片作品,並紀錄臺灣這塊土地上所演繹出的感人故事,捕捉足以向國外友人推薦的在地文化或瞬間美好,展現臺灣獨特的人文風采。此為該屆佳作作品,製作者為賴凱威。以下為其自述的影片製作理念。「There are forty million people using Traditional Chinese characters nowadays around the world, and Taiwanese people are account for more than half. Traditional Chinese characters have been continued for 1500 years which carried the culture and humanities of Chinese nation over the past 5000 years.」 查看內容
臺湾正体字 / 臺灣正體字(日文版) 本影片為第二屆「全民潮臺灣」短片徵件競賽活動之影片,該活動由外交部舉辦,透過短片徵件競賽,發掘優良短片作品,並紀錄臺灣這塊土地上所演繹出的感人故事,捕捉足以向國外友人推薦的在地文化或瞬間美好,展現臺灣獨特的人文風采。此為該屆佳作作品,製作者為賴凱威。以下為其自述的影片製作理念。「There are forty million people using Traditional Chinese characters nowadays around the world, and Taiwanese people are account for more than half. Traditional Chinese characters have been continued for 1500 years which carried the culture and humanities of Chinese nation over the past 5000 years.」 查看內容
Traditional Chinese Characters / 臺灣正體字(英中文版) 本影片為第二屆「全民潮臺灣」短片徵件競賽活動之影片,該活動由外交部舉辦,透過短片徵件競賽,發掘優良短片作品,並紀錄臺灣這塊土地上所演繹出的感人故事,捕捉足以向國外友人推薦的在地文化或瞬間美好,展現臺灣獨特的人文風采。此為該屆佳作作品,製作者為賴凱威。以下為其自述的影片製作理念。「There are forty million people using Traditional Chinese characters nowadays around the world, and Taiwanese people are account for more than half. Traditional Chinese characters have been continued for 1500 years which carried the culture and humanities of Chinese nation over the past 5000 years.」 查看內容