Add to cart 慈濟功德會「幸福人生系列講座」 Master Cheng Yen, founder of Tzu-chi Foundation, is unselfishly committed to helping the less fortunate in the world。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00078-014
Add to cart 北市中正國小訪問美國行前公演扯鈴 Students from Chungchen Primary School in Taipei display their skill at manipulating the diabolo, a kind of Chinese yo-yo。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00078-013
Add to cart 1994年國際扶輪社年會閉幕節目表演 Young dancers offer a feast of color and motion at the closing ceremony of the Rotary International 1994 Convention。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00078-012
Add to cart 李元簇副總統參觀台北國際陶瓷博覽會 Vice President Li Yuan-zu visits the Taipei International Ceramic Product Exhibition, 1994。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00078-011
Add to cart 蘇聯前總統戈巴契夫訪華–專題演講於國父紀念館 Former Soviet President Gorbachev shares his views about the international situation at the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall during his visit to Taiwan。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00078-010
Add to cart 來台渡冬的稀有鳥類–黑面琵鷺,在廢棄魚塭覓食 The rare black-faced spoonbill (Platalea minor) in flight over Taiwan waters。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00078-009
Add to cart 來台渡冬的稀有鳥類–黑面琵鷺,在廢棄魚塭覓食 The rare black-faced spoonbill (Platalea minor) is another seasonal visitor to Taiwan。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00078-008
Add to cart 1994年台北國際傢俱展 The 1994 Taipei International Furniture Exhibition。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00078-006