加入申請授權清單 民眾購買元宵(湯圓)These teenagers take great delight in selecting glutinous rice dumplings called yuan hsiao, the traditional snack of the Lantern Festival。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00077-006
加入申請授權清單 年景–春節當眾揮毫 Minister of Education Mao Kao-wen demonstrates his distinctive calligraphic style during Chinese New Year。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00077-005
加入申請授權清單 年景–長輩發壓歲錢 Elders hand out money in red envelopes to children on Chinese New Year’s Eve signifying that they will have plenty of money throughout the coming year。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00077-004
加入申請授權清單 年景–除夕夜吃團圓飯 Extended families which are normally separated during the year due to work or business share a reunion supper on Chinese New Year’s Eve。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00077-003
加入申請授權清單 年景–祭祖 Family members pay tribute to ancestors during Chinese New Year。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00077-002
加入申請授權清單 年景–貼春聯 Just before the Chinese New Year every household in China puts up felicitous spring couplets。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00077-001
加入申請授權清單 李總統於日月潭涵碧樓設宴款待新加坡總理李光耀伉儷-李總統照片冊及十三全會照片-MOFA109179CF-2020-12–PH00001-077 李總統於日月潭涵碧樓設宴款待新加坡總理李光耀伉儷
加入申請授權清單 法務部長李部長元簇巡視所屬各監獄受刑人醫療舍房 膳食 教化 習藝工廠等改善情形-MOFA109179CF-2020-12–PH00004-074 法務部長李部長元簇巡視所屬各監獄受刑人醫療舍房 膳食 教化 習藝工廠等改善情形