Add to cart 田鷸(Common snipe),學名:Gallinago gallinago。屬冬候鳥,體型粗短,嘴巴尖又長,喜歡棲息於隱密的沼澤草叢地帶,性情羞怯。常在清晨或黃昏覓食。The common snipe, sturdy and short, is shy and prefers secluded grassy marshes, where it feeds at dawn and dusk.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-123
Add to cart 鸕鶿(Great cormorant),學名:Phalacrocorax carbo (sinensis)。為群聚性大型水鳥,每群二十至五十隻,身軀黑色,有著鉤狀的長嘴,以便捕食。棲息於池塘或沼澤附近,若發現水中有魚類,常成群撲入水中潛游捕食。Great cormorants often gather near ponds or swamps and dive in groups to catch their prey.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-122
Add to cart 鸕鶿(Great cormorant),學名:Phalacrocorax carbo (sinensis)。為群聚性大型水鳥,每群二十至五十隻,身軀黑色,有著鉤狀的長嘴,以便捕食。棲息於池塘或沼澤附近,若發現水中有魚類,常成群撲入水中潛游捕食。Great cormorants often gather near ponds or swamps and dive in groups to catch their prey.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-121
Add to cart 偽虎鯨(False killer whale),學名:pseudorca crassidens。聽覺靈敏、體型類似海豚的偽虎鯨,隨貨輪誤入台中港區,引來許多民眾圍觀,大家的眼光都集中在這位稀客身上。為了好好照顧這位稀客,港區單位暫時不讓船隻行駛這一水域,然後將牠送出港區。A false killer whale that beached itself in Taichung Harbor attracted a crowd of spectators. Harbor personnel later helped the false killer whale to leave the harbor.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-120
Add to cart 小虎鯨(Pygmy killer whale),學名:Feresa attenuata。若在海邊碰到鯨類擱淺氣息尚存,必需協助用毛巾遮蓋身體,澆淋海水避免皮膚乾燥,並在胸鰭位置挖洞以減少壓迫。If you happen upon a beached pygmy killer whale, cover its body with a towel, splash it wet with seawater, and dig holes in the sand for its flippers.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-119
Add to cart 小虎鯨(Pygmy killer whale),學名:Feresa attenuata。瞧!小虎鯨探頭打招呼的模樣多可愛。這一群小虎鯨約有三十幾隻,迷途游進高雄港,最後被港區人員送回海洋。A pod of over 30 pygmy killer whales swam into Kaohsiung Harbor in early 1995. They were later escorted back out to sea by harbor personnel.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-118
Add to cart 瓶鼻海豚(Bottle-nosed dolphin),學名:Tursiops truncatus。海豚的智商很高,瓶鼻海豚也不例外。在澎湖海域,每年冬季都有瓶鼻海豚來訪,有時會迷途進入港口,保育人士或地方機關就會將它們護送回大海。Bottle-nosed dolphins spend their winters in waters near Penghu. Occasionally, they mistakenly enter the harbor and have to be driven back out to sea.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-117
Add to cart 瓶鼻海豚(Bottle-nosed dolphin),學名:Tursiops truncatus。海豚的智商很高,瓶鼻海豚也不例外。在澎湖海域,每年冬季都有瓶鼻海豚來訪,有時會迷途進入港口,保育人士或地方機關就會將它們護送回大海。Bottle-nosed dolphins spend their winters in waters near Penghu. Occasionally, they mistakenly enter the harbor and have to be driven back out to sea.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-116
Add to cart 水雉(Pheasant-tailed jacana),學名:Hydrophasianus chirurgus。又名菱角鳥,尾羽細長,喜歡在長滿浮水植物的池沼中活動。多分布在中南部平原地帶的菱角田、沼澤和池塘。由於生存環境漸受破壞,數量稀少。Environmental degradation has reduced the number of pheasant-tailed jacanas, which are often sighted at water-chestnut fields, ponds, and swampy plains in central and southern Taiwan.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-115