Add to cart 翻石鷸(Ruddy Turnstone),學名:Arenaria interpres。腹面大致為白色,頭頂有黑色縱斑,臉部、頸側有黑色花斑,通常成群出現於沙洲、岩岸等泥質之灘地。覓食時,以上翹之嘴,頂翻小石,再啄食石下之物。Ruddy turnstones often gather in groups at swampy sandbanks and rocky coasts, where they search for food by overturning small stones with their upturned bills.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-141
Add to cart 台灣大蝗(Grasshopper),學名:chondracris rosea (Degeer)。是台灣蝗科昆蟲中體型最大者,全身深綠色,頭頂略突,分佈於全島各地。由於台灣大蝗體型大,特徵明顯,是最理想的解說教材。The Taiwan grasshopper is the largest Acrididae in Taiwan and can be found islandwide.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-140
Add to cart 大杓鷸(Eurasian curlew),學名:Numenius arquata。嘴長下彎,呈黑褐色,常成群出現於河口和沙洲等沼澤地帶。牠用長嘴插入泥中,啄出蟹類或海虫。每年冬季在台中大肚溪口有大群大杓鷸出現,數量多達三千隻以上。Eurasian curlews ofter appear in groups at sandbanks and marshlands near the outlets of rivers, sticking their long bills into the earth to grab crabs and marine insects. More than 3,000 Eurasian curlews visit the Tatu River in Taichung County every winter.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-139
Add to cart 黑嘴鷗(Saunders、s gull),學名:Larus saundersi。全世界數量約兩千隻,每年十一月到次年二月,來台渡冬的數量約佔全世界的四分之一,約六百隻。由於黑嘴鷗是列名國際紅皮書之稀有保護鳥類,上項統計調查數據傳出後,已引起國際重視,目前正由民間保育團體彰化野鳥學會積極保護。About 600 of the world、s 2,000 remaining Saunders gulls, a protected species, winter in Taiwan. Preservation work is currently being undertaken by a private conservation group.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-138
Add to cart 紅嘴鷗(Black-headed Gull),學名:Larus ridibundus。常出現於河口、港口或魚港上空,貼近水面搜索食物,並用強有力的蹼在水底騷動,待魚蝦受驚後捕食。今年嘉義東石沿海曾出現兩千多隻的紅嘴鷗。Black-headed gulls stick close to the water near the outlets of rivers, seaports, and fishing harbors. Over 2,000 black-headed gulls were sighted along the coast of Tungshih in Chiayi this year.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-137
Add to cart 白翅黑燕鷗(White-winged Black Tern),學名:Sterna leucoptera。頭上戴著瓜皮小帽,頸上繫著白圍巾,身體青灰色,嘴和腳皆紅色,每年九月到第二年四月過境棲息。常在魚塭上空飛翔,然後像隻箭般的急速下降捕食水中小魚。The white-winged black tern, which stays in Taiwan from September to April, frequently flies over fish farms and swoops down to catch small fish.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-136
Add to cart 濱鷸(Dunlin),學名:Calidris alpina。常成百上千群聚,低頭進食。由於數量多,常會引導其他鳥類一同起飛或下降。圖中一群濱鷸正在空中進行隊形變化的特技表演。Dunlins gather in groups of hundreds to feed or to display their flying skills in diverse formation, often attracting other birds to join them.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-135
Add to cart 海雀(Ancient murrelet),學名:Synthliboramphus antiquus。在台灣地區屬於迷鳥,僅有兩、三次發現的紀錄。但是去年冬天,隨著一波寒流之後,突然有隻海雀降臨台南安南區的海濱濕地。更因此鳥毫不怕生,常在水邊表眼潛水技術,因而成為眾所皆知的名星。Forced down by a cold front last winter, an ancient murrelet visited Tainan、s Annan District, where its impressive underwater diving skills earned it fame.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-134
Add to cart 彩鷸(Painted snipe),學名:Rostratula benghalensis。穿著一襲漂亮的羽衣,雌鳥配戴著黃色的頭巾,嘴上塗口紅,領上掛著紅栗色圍兜,還掛著白邊眼鏡。棲息於沼澤邊,數量少,十分稀有。The female painted snipe has a yellow crown, a red bill, a maroon breast, and white patches around her eyes. The painted snipe is a rare species which inhabits the edges of marshes.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-133