Add to cart 壓毀非法捕鳥器夾。墾丁國家公園正銷燬取締之非法捕鳥器夾。Kenting National Park conservation personnel are working to destroy illegal bird traps.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-145
Add to cart 燬燒非法進口之野生動物製品。政府及民間共同努力,取締非法野生動物製品,並將這些違禁品銷燬。The government and people of the ROC are working together to eliminate trade in illegal wildlife products.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-144
Add to cart 送紅毛猩猩回印尼。野生動物保育並無國界之分,做為地球村的一員,台灣在不久前才將紅毛猩猩送回原生長地「印尼」,使牠重回大自然。In 1994, the ROC sent ten smuggled orangutans back to their natural habitat in the Indonesian rain forest.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-143
Add to cart 送紅毛猩猩回印尼。野生動物保育並無國界之分,做為地球村的一員,台灣在不久前才將紅毛猩猩送回原生長地「印尼」,使牠重回大自然。In 1994, the ROC sent ten smuggled orangutans back to their natural habitat in the Indonesian rain forest.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-142