Add to cart 台灣藍鵲(Formosan blue magpie),學名:Urocissa caerulea。為台灣特有種,普遍份佈在一千八百公尺以下的闊葉林裏,性情兇悍,是一種群居性的鳥類。經常一隻接一隻的排列飛過山谷,長尾拖曳身後,形成美麗的隊伍,故俗稱「長尾陣」。Fierce Formosan blue magpies, native to Taiwan, are commonly seen in hardwood forests at elevations below 1,800 meters. Because they fly one behind another, they are also known as 「long-tail parades」.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-033
Add to cart 櫻花鉤吻鮭(Brook masu salmon;Taiwan trout),學名:Oncorhynchus masou formosanum。台灣櫻花鉤吻鮭又名台灣鱒,是地質史上的活見證,它的存在證明台灣曾經歷過寒冷的冰河時期。台灣鱒已改變鮭魚定期洄游入海的習性,終生居住在大甲溪的上游,而成為陸封型也是在亞熱帶台灣地區特有的冷水性魚類,因此被舉世公認為生物界的奇蹟。每到繁殖期,雄雌鮭魚經常出雙入對,悠游於清澈的水面上。The protected brook masu salmon, also called the Taiwan trout, is a landlocked fish that spends its entire life in the upper reaches of the Tachia River. Brook masu salmon are often seen in pairs during the mating season.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-032
Add to cart 台灣獼猴(Formosan rock-monkey),學名:Macaca cyclopis。台灣獼猴是目前唯一生活在台灣山區的猴類。牠的四肢粗狀有力而靈活,能迅速的在樹林間活動。The Formosan rock monkey is Taiwan、s only mountain species. With its strong limbs, it moves agilely and quickly in the forest.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-031
Add to cart 台灣獼猴(Formosan rock-monkey),學名:Macaca cyclopis。咱們一家人可是難得照一張全家福照片,這可是拜人類致力保育之賜。Thanks to the Republic of China、s commitment to wildlife conservation, this family of Formosan rock monkeys is able to lead a carefree life.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-030
Add to cart 幼綠蠵龜(Green turtle),學名:Chelonia mydas。綠蠵龜只在夜間產卵,每次約可產卵百餘個;經過五十天左右的孵化,稚龜也在夜間破殼而出,於黎明前游回海裡。但是能順利孵出爬回大海的數量,大概一半不到;即使游到海裡,也要面對許多天敵,生存困難,更值得保護。A green turtle lays over 100 eggs, and after fifty days the young green turtles break ghrough their shells and swim to the sea before dawn.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-029
Add to cart 綠蠵龜(Green turtle),學名:Chelonia mydas。每逢綠蠵龜的繁殖季節,母龜選擇夜晚海水滿潮時上岸產卵,所以在沙灘上常可見到母龜上岸產卵及產完卵後游回海中所留下的爬痕,連續圖片為綠蠵龜整個產卵的過程。After laying eggs, the female green turtle crawls back into the sea. This combination of pictures shows the egg-laying process.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-028
Add to cart 綠蠵龜(Green turtle),學名:Chelonia mydas。每逢綠蠵龜的繁殖季節,母龜選擇夜晚海水滿潮時上岸產卵,所以在沙灘上常可見到母龜上岸產卵及產完卵後游回海中所留下的爬痕,連續圖片為綠蠵龜整個產卵的過程。After laying eggs, the female green turtle crawls back into the sea. This combination of pictures shows the egg-laying process.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-027
Add to cart 綠蠵龜(Green turtle),學名:Chelonia mydas。每逢綠蠵龜的繁殖季節,母龜選擇夜晚海水滿潮時上岸產卵,所以在沙灘上常可見到母龜上岸產卵及產完卵後游回海中所留下的爬痕,連續圖片為綠蠵龜整個產卵的過程。After laying eggs, the female green turtle crawls back into the sea. This combination of pictures shows the egg-laying process.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-026
Add to cart 綠蠵龜(Green turtle),學名:Chelonia mydas。每逢綠蠵龜的繁殖季節,母龜選擇夜晚海水滿潮時上岸產卵,所以在沙灘上常可見到母龜上岸產卵及產完卵後游回海中所留下的爬痕,連續圖片為綠蠵龜整個產卵的過程。After laying eggs, the female green turtle crawls back into the sea. This combination of pictures shows the egg-laying process.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-025