Add to cart 澎湖小雲雀(Oriental Skylark),學名:Alauda gulgula。為特有亞種,鳴聲嘹亮,千轉萬變,常在空中定點振翅鳴唱,喜歡棲息於低短的草叢內。The oriental skylark sings diverse melodies and enjoys resting in thick clumps of grass.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-017
Add to cart 燕珩(Indian pratincole),學名:Glareola maldivarum。一副雄糾糾氣昂昂的模樣,每年春季最先來到澎湖無人島上的燕珩,在玄武岩旁的草叢裡繁殖,夏末離去。Indian pratincoles visit uninhabited Penghu islands each spring, breed, and then leave in late summer.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-016
Add to cart 岩鷺(Eastern reef heron),學名:Egretta sacra。為澎湖群島普遍易見的留鳥,圖中這對情侶正相互依偎共同守護著坡崁下的窩巢。A pair of eastern reef herons, native to the Pescadores, patiently guard their nest.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-015
Add to cart 鳳頭燕鷗(Greater crested tern),學名:Sterna bergii。屬較大型燕鷗,生於溫、熱帶河口、沿岸和鹹水湖,以捕小型魚類為食,常築巢於海島的岩石峭壁上,幼鳥由雌雄鳥輪流餵食。Greater crested terns nest on the faces of island cliffs, and the male and female take turns feeding their young.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-014
Add to cart 紅燕鷗(Roseate tern),學名:Sterna dougallii。歐美國家將紅燕鷗列為瀕臨絕種的候鳥,目前僅在台灣地區的澎縣的無人島上發現牠們,這種珍貴的生態資源值得大家共同珍惜。紅燕鷗通常一次下二至三個蛋。Listed as an endangered species in Western countries, the roseate tern now can be found only on uninhabited Peghu islands. A roseate tern lays two or three small eggs at a time.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-013
Add to cart 紅燕鷗(Roseate tern),學名:Sterna dougallii。歐美國家將紅燕鷗列為瀕臨絕種的候鳥,目前僅在台灣地區的澎縣的無人島上發現牠們,這種珍貴的生態資源值得大家共同珍惜。澎湖鳥群在繁殖下一代的紅燕鷗♀。Listed as an endangered species in Western countries, the roseate tern now can be found only on uninhabited Peghu islands. The pescadores serve as a breeding ground for roseate terns.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-012
Add to cart 紅燕鷗(Roseate tern),學名:Sterna dougallii。歐美國家將紅燕鷗列為瀕臨絕種的候鳥,目前僅在台灣地區的澎縣的無人島上發現牠們,這種珍貴的生態資源值得大家共同珍惜。成群棲息於無人島上的紅燕鷗。Listed as an endangered species in Western countries, the roseate tern now can be found only on uninhabited Peghu islands. Roseate terns rest in groups on an uninhabited island.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-011
Add to cart 紅燕鷗(Roseate tern),學名:Sterna dougallii。歐美國家將紅燕鷗列為瀕臨絕種的候鳥,目前僅在台灣地區的澎縣的無人島上發現牠們,這種珍貴的生態資源值得大家共同珍惜。紅燕鷗站立於礁岩上。Listed as an endangered species in Western countries, the roseate tern now can be found only on uninhabited Peghu islands. Two roseate terns perch together amidst the rocks.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-010
Add to cart 紅燕鷗(Roseate tern),學名:Sterna dougallii。歐美國家將紅燕鷗列為瀕臨絕種的候鳥,目前僅在台灣地區的澎縣的無人島上發現牠們,這種珍貴的生態資源值得大家共同珍惜。Listed as an endangered species in Western countries, the roseate tern now can be found only on uninhabited Peghu islands.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-009