Add to cart 墾丁國家公園(Kenting National Park)。是台灣第一個國家公園,位於台灣南端,成立於一九八四年,園區除提供遊憩功能之外,還保育了許多亞熱帶的濱海植物和特殊的礁岩地形,更進行許多動植物保育計劃,其中最有名者即為台灣梅花鹿的復育與野放。Kenting National Park, founded in 1984, is located at the southern tip of Taiwan. Conservation work at the park covers subtropical coastal plants, reef formations, and wildlife. The Formosan sika deer preservation program is the most famous of the park、s conservation efforts.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-062
Add to cart 江崎黃蝶(Esaki grass-yellow),學名:Eurema alitha esakii。為台灣特有亞種,俗稱黑緣黃蝶,一身黃衣裳,點綴著黑斑點,飛行速度不快,分布在台灣南北兩地。The Esaki grass-yellow butterfly, a subspecies found only in Taiwan, has black spots and inhabits both the southern and northern halves of the island.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-061
Add to cart 紫蛇目蝶(Common palmfly),學名:Elymnias hypermnestra hainana。飛行的速度緩慢,是蛇目科中較常出現在陽光下的蝶種;很少做長距離飛行,喜歡吸食腐果,偶而也會吸食花蜜或清水。The common palmfly is a Satyridae that is often found enjoying the sunshine and sipping flower nectar, water, and the juice of rotten fruit.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-060
Add to cart 黃裳鳳蝶(Golden birdwing butterfly),學名:Troides aeacus kaguya。為大型鳳蝶,主要分佈於台灣南部地區,已列屬保育類野生動物。Beautiful goledn birdwing butterflies, listed as a protected species, appear mainly in southern Taiwan.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-059
Add to cart 朱鸝(Maroon oriole),學名:Oriolus traillii。朱鸝雄鳥在繁殖期,隨時守在母鳥的身旁。The male maroon oriole guards the female constantly throughout the mating season.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-058
Add to cart 朱鸝(Maroon oriole),學名:Oriolus traillii。朱鸝雌鳥體色較暗,呈紅褐色,胸部有暗色縱斑。圖中雌朱鸝正忙著孵牠的下一代。A female maroon oriole tends to her clutch.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-057
Add to cart 朱鸝(Maroon oriole),學名:Oriolus traillii。台灣的黃鸝科鳥類共有二種,為黃鸝和朱鸝。根據記錄,朱鸝又名「大緋鳥」,羽毛只有紅黑二種顏色,是台灣地區瀕臨絕種的特有亞種鳥類,也是國際上有名的鳥種。The maroon oriole is an endangered subspecies endemic to the Taiwan area.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-056
Add to cart 黑面琵鷺(Black-faced spoonbill),學名:Platalea minor。一群黑面琵鷺掠過藍空,襯出優美的形影。A group of black-faced spoonbills cruise gracefully across the sky.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-055
Add to cart 黑面琵鷺(Black-faced spoonbill),學名:Platalea minor。是人類共有的財產,牠們每年來台灣過冬天,是一種天賜的禮物。曾文溪口沼澤區目前已訂為保護區,讓這些遠來的客人自由自在的生活。Black-faced spoonbills spend their winters at swamps near the Tsengwen River, which has been designated a wildlife sanctuary.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-054