Add to cart 黑臉巫鳥(Black-faced Bunting),學名:Emberiza spodocephala。黑臉巫鳥全身大部份為黑色,每年十月下旬到翌年五月來台渡冬,分佈範圍遍及全台各地和離島地區,從海邊到海拔兩千五百公尺之山區均可見其蹤跡,多在農地、草叢、灌木及樹枝上活動。Black-faced buntings stay in Taiwan from October to May and can be found from sea level all the way up to 2,500 meters.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-098
Add to cart 麻雀(Tree Sparrow),學名:Passer montanus。是台灣全島皆可見到的鳥類,喜啄食稻米,每逢收穫前,農夫經常在田間架設稻草人,以達到嚇跑麻雀的目的。Tree sparrows, seen islandwide, feed on rice. At harvest time, farmers place scarecrows in their paddies to frighten these unwelcome guests away.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-097
Add to cart 樹鷯(Oriental Tree-Pipit),學名:Anthus hodgsoni。身體上方綠褐色,眉斑乳白、有條黑褐色的過眼線,耳羽有黑色縱斑。樹鷯為普遍之冬候鳥,每年十月下旬抵台,次年四月離開,分佈範圍廣,甚至連二千公尺以上的高山都可見到牠的蹤影。在春天移棲時,會與赤喉鷚Anthus cevinus 聚集成群,景象壯觀。Oriental pipits visit Taiwan in late October and leave in April. They are wildely distributed and can even be found in the mountains above 2,000 meters.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-096
Add to cart 黑翅鳶(Black-winged kite),學名:Elanus caeruleus。有著特別的黑肩牓,尾巴較方正、眼紅色,身體淺灰或白色,屬於搶眼的小形猛禽。常立於高處尋找獵物,飛行時速度極快,雙翼成為較深的V字形。The black-winged kite searches for prey from a high perch. Once it spots its quarry, it dives rapidly with its wings folded into a deep V shape.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-095
Add to cart 台北樹蛙(Taipei green tree frog),學名:Taipei green tree frog。是一種會爬樹的青蛙,主要分布在台北近郊而得名。台北樹蛙是台灣特有種,但牠們並不是生長在高山深谷,而是住在水邊雜草或矮樹叢生之處。Capable of climbing trees, the limber Taipei tree frog resides mainly near grassy waters or thick groves in and around Taipei suburbs.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-094
Add to cart 喜鵲(Magpie),學名:Pica pica。又名蔣鵲或客鳥,在康熙年間由蔣毓英任台灣知事時由華南輸入來台,野放台南地區而孳生繁衍。性機敏,常一隻在地上啄食,另一隻在高樹上擔任守衛工作,飛翔時拍翅緩慢,直線飛行。喜鵲是飼鳥者之寵物,被視為吉祥、幸福的象徵。故有所謂:「喜鵲報喜,烏鴉報憂」之諺語。The clever magpie is seen as a symbol of good luck and happiness in China. It will watch for predators while others of its kind are feeding.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-093
Add to cart 藍磯鶇(Blue Rock Thrush),學名:Monticola solitarius。喜單獨佇立於屋頂、岩石或其他突出物上,姿勢挺直優雅,喜歡站在突出物上鳴唱,是墾丁國家公園內常見的鳥類。The blue rock thrush is commonly sighted at Kenting National Park. This one stands erect and graceful, singing from a jutting.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-092
Add to cart 白眉鶇(Eye-browed Thrush),學名:Turdus obscurus。分布於西伯利亞北部、中國大陸東北等地,秋季時成群結隊的南遷過冬,喜歡在林間小道上活動或覓食,受驚時常飛到樹枝上逃逸。Eyebrowed thrushes come from Siberia and norhteast China to spend their winters in southern Taiwan, where they enjoy searching for food along forest paths.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-091
Add to cart 紅嘴黑鵯(Black Bulbul),學名:Hypsipetes madagascariensis。生活於森林稀疏之處,經常成群立於樹梢,鳴聲富變化,十分喧鬧,全身黑色,唯有嘴部和雙腳是紅色,頭頂上有蓬鬆的羽冠。The repertoire of the black bulbul is both full and varied. They often perch together in treetops.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-090