Add to cart 鷹斑鷸(Wood Sandpiper),學名:Tringa glareola。鷹斑鷸美麗又大方,一點也不怯場,很容易親近人們,常在沼澤或河床上,快步停停、走走尋找獵物。The beautiful wood sandpiper, which forages for food in marshes and riverbeds, shows little fear of humans.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-107
Add to cart 翠鳥(Common kingfisher),學名:Alcedo atthis。背部有鮮豔的翠綠色,又名「翡翠」。喜歡單獨站立水邊枝椏,伺機捕食魚類,故又名「魚狗」或「釣魚翁」。The common kingfisher, also known as 「emerald,」 catches fish with unerring ease.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-106
Add to cart 黃鶺鴒(Yellow wagtail),學名:Motacilla flava。體上灰褐色,有顯著的黃色眉斑,腹面在夏季時為鮮黃色,腳為黃色,喜歡在空中飛舞順便捕捉飛行中的昆蟲為食,主要棲息於平地草原、水邊等。The yellow wagtail takes its name from the color of its belly, which turns bright yellow in the summer. It lives on grassy plains and near the edge of water and catches flying bugs for food.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-105
Add to cart 東方環頸鴴(Kentish plover),學名:Charadrius alexandrinus。為了避敵,常下蛋於乾涸的河床及砂石堆上,蛋的顏色和周圍環境非常相近。築巢時每巢平均生下三個蛋,蛋呈灰色,散佈著均勻的褐色斑點。Kentish plovers typically lay an average of three gray and brown speckled eggs in dry riverbeds or on open sandstone.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-104
Add to cart 澤鳧(Tufted Duck),學名:Aythya fuligula。澤鳧羽衣黑白分明、身軀圓胖,頭上還留了一撮小馬尾,相當可愛。每年來台渡冬,常出現在恆春龍鑾潭。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-103
Add to cart 紅冠水雞(Moorhen),學名:Gallinula chloropus。多單獨或小群活動於河口紅樹林沼澤、池塘等地覓食,遠看像鴨子。圖中紅冠水雞互相追逐嬉戲,樂悠悠。Moorhens frequent mangrove swamps and ponds at hte mouths of rivers, and from a distance, they look like ducks.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-102
Add to cart 台南四草(Taiwan shi-chow)。台南四草鄉鹽田底層有豐富的底棲生物 及魚類,可供水鳥棲息、覓食,每年吸引了極多的候鳥來此度冬,也是愛鳥人士賞鳥最佳場所。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-101
Add to cart 黃頭鷺(Cattle Egret),學名:Bubulcus ibis。冬夏羽各異,冬季時全身白色;夏天時頸部會長出鮮艷的金黃色飾羽。愛停棲於牛背上,又稱「牛背鷺」,平地、沼澤、水田均有牠的蹤跡。While the cattle egret is completely white in the winter, its nape turns a golden color in the summer. They like to perch on the backs of oxen and are seen in fields, marshes, and paddies.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-100
Add to cart 黃頭鷺(Cattle Egret),學名:Bubulcus ibis。冬夏羽各異,冬季時全身白色;夏天時頸部會長出鮮艷的金黃色飾羽。愛停棲於牛背上,又稱「牛背鷺」,平地、沼澤、水田均有牠的蹤跡。While the cattle egret is completely white in the winter, its nape turns a golden color in the summer. They like to perch on the backs of oxen and are seen in fields, marshes, and paddies.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-099