Add to cart 海雀(Ancient murrelet),學名:Synthliboramphus antiquus。在台灣地區屬於迷鳥,僅有兩、三次發現的紀錄。但是去年冬天,隨著一波寒流之後,突然有隻海雀降臨台南安南區的海濱濕地。更因此鳥毫不怕生,常在水邊表眼潛水技術,因而成為眾所皆知的名星。Forced down by a cold front last winter, an ancient murrelet visited Tainan、s Annan District, where its impressive underwater diving skills earned it fame.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-134
Add to cart 彩鷸(Painted snipe),學名:Rostratula benghalensis。穿著一襲漂亮的羽衣,雌鳥配戴著黃色的頭巾,嘴上塗口紅,領上掛著紅栗色圍兜,還掛著白邊眼鏡。棲息於沼澤邊,數量少,十分稀有。The female painted snipe has a yellow crown, a red bill, a maroon breast, and white patches around her eyes. The painted snipe is a rare species which inhabits the edges of marshes.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-133
Add to cart 白鷺鷥(Intermediate egret),學名:Egretta intermedia。主要棲息於水田、池塘、湖泊及海邊,常築巢於樹林中,台灣全島各地都有大片的白鷺林。Egrets, which build their nests in forests, appear islandwide near paddies, ponds, lakes, and the seashore.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-132
Add to cart 白鷺鷥(Intermediate egret),學名:Egretta intermedia。腳長、頸長、善涉水,嘴尖而長,飛行或站立時頸部成為S形,型體優美,是我國詩人吟詠和繪畫的主題,例如「一路榮華」、「秋鷺芙蓉」等,都是以鷺鳥為題材。The S shape of the graceful egret、s neck can be seen when the bird is flying or standing. The egret is the subject of many Chinese poems and paintings.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-131
Add to cart 白腹秧雞(White-breasted water hen),學名:Amaurornis Phoenicurus。特徵是臉、前頸及胸腹均為白色,尾下覆羽紅棕色,後頸及上身灰黑色。經常活動於水田、沼澤等濕地,叫聲類似「苦呀!苦呀!」,俗稱「苦惡鳥」。The white-breasted water hen, also called the 「hateful bird」 because of its doleful cry, frequents paddies and wetlands.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-130
Add to cart 花嘴鴨(Spot-billed duck),學名:Anas poecilorhyncha。花嘴鴨多悠哉的漫步在公路上,快樂的吃著農民收割後留下的高梁麥穗。Spot-billed ducks often roam along roads, eating sorghum seeds and wheat left on the fields after harvest.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-129
Add to cart 花嘴鴨(Spot-billed duck),學名:Anas poecilorhyncha。花嘴鴨多悠哉的漫步在公路上,快樂的吃著農民收割後留下的高梁麥穗。Spot-billed ducks often roam along roads, eating sorghum seeds and wheat left on the fields after harvest.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-128
Add to cart 花嘴鴨(Spot-billed duck),學名:Anas poecilorhyncha。非常敏感,很難接近。每年都會有極多數量的花嘴鴨來台渡冬,分佈在全省及離島各地水域。Spot-billed ducks spend their winters in Taiwan. They can be seen near bodies of water on both Taiwan and the offshore islands.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-127
Add to cart 花嘴鴨(Spot-billed duck),學名:Anas poecilorhyncha。非常敏感,很難接近。每年都會有極多數量的花嘴鴨來台渡冬,分佈在全省及離島各地水域。Spot-billed ducks spend their winters in Taiwan. They can be seen near bodies of water on both Taiwan and the offshore islands.。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-NE00160-126