Add to cart 李元簇副總統與中美洲各國副總統會談〈小型高峰會議〉 Vice President Li Yuan-zu holds a mini-summit with the vice-presidents of Central American countries。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00072-051
Add to cart 哥斯大黎加共和國總統喀德戎一行參觀國立故宮博物院 Costa Rican President and delegates visit the National Palace Museum。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00072-017
Add to cart 哥斯大黎加共和國總統喀德戎夫婦參觀台揚公司試打衛星國際越洋電話 Costa Rican President Rafael Caldernon Fournier and his wife visit Taiyang Corp. President Rafael Caldernon Fournier places a trial long-distance call via satellite。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00072-016
Add to cart 李登輝總統夫人贈送哥斯大黎加共和國總統喀德戎夫人玩具禮品儀式 The first lady of the ROC, Tseng Wen-fui, presents gifts to the Costa Rican first lady。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00072-015
Add to cart 李登輝總統暨夫人接見哥斯大黎加共和國總統喀德戎夫婦 ROC President Lee Teng-hui and first lady Tseng Wen-fui, receive Costa Rican President Rafael Caldernon Fournier and his wife。-MOFA110064CC-2021-07-PH00072-014