Add to cart 東引醫院內部病床 Undergroung hospital in Matsu, an offshore island-金馬前線、反共義士、愛國活動-MOFA109179CF-2020-12-PH00044-027 東引醫院內部病床 Undergroung hospital in Matsu, an offshore island
Add to cart 連江縣東引醫院外貌 Ahospital in Matsu, an offshore island-金馬前線、反共義士、愛國活動-MOFA109179CF-2020-12-PH00044-026 連江縣東引醫院外貌 Ahospital in Matsu, an offshore island
Add to cart 馬祖學校學生下課遊戲情形 Pupils in Matsu, an offshore island-金馬前線、反共義士、愛國活動-MOFA109179CF-2020-12-PH00044-025 馬祖學校學生下課遊戲情形 Pupils in Matsu, an offshore island
Add to cart 連江縣東引國民中小學校校門外貌 Front door of a school in Matsu, an offshore island-金馬前線、反共義士、愛國活動-MOFA109179CF-2020-12-PH00044-024 連江縣東引國民中小學校校門外貌 Front door of a school in Matsu, an offshore island
Add to cart 馬祖中正國中學生鼓號樂隊 High school band in Matsu, an offshore island-金馬前線、反共義士、愛國活動-MOFA109179CF-2020-12-PH00044-023 馬祖中正國中學生鼓號樂隊 High school band in Matsu, an offshore island
Add to cart 馬祖商店街 A street in Matsu, an offshore island-金馬前線、反共義士、愛國活動-MOFA109179CF-2020-12-PH00044-022 馬祖商店街 A street in Matsu, an offshore island
Add to cart 馬祖商店外貌 Streeet scene in Matsu, an offshore island-金馬前線、反共義士、愛國活動-MOFA109179CF-2020-12-PH00044-021 馬祖商店外貌 Streeet scene in Matsu, an offshore island
Add to cart 馬祖商店 A shop in Matsu, an offshore island-金馬前線、反共義士、愛國活動-MOFA109179CF-2020-12-PH00044-020 馬祖商店 A shop in Matsu, an offshore island
Add to cart 馬祖商業住宅 Street scene in Matsu, an offshore island-金馬前線、反共義士、愛國活動-MOFA109179CF-2020-12-PH00044-019 馬祖商業住宅 Street scene in Matsu, an offshore island