Add to cart 金門訪問團 Performance by art workers from Kinmen-金馬前線、反共義士、愛國活動-MOFA109179CF-2020-12-PH00044-033 金門訪問團 Performance by art workers from Kinmen
Add to cart 金門訪問團 Performance by art workers from Kinmen-金馬前線、反共義士、愛國活動-MOFA109179CF-2020-12-PH00044-032 金門訪問團 Performance by art workers from Kinmen
Add to cart 金門訪問團 Performance by art workers from Kinmen-金馬前線、反共義士、愛國活動-MOFA109179CF-2020-12-PH00044-031 金門訪問團 Performance by art workers from Kinmen
Add to cart 馬祖天后宮外貌 A temple in Matsu, an offshore island-金馬前線、反共義士、愛國活動-MOFA109179CF-2020-12-PH00044-030 馬祖天后宮外貌 A temple in Matsu, an offshore island
Add to cart 馬祖天后宮門坊外貌 A temple in Matsu, an offshore island-金馬前線、反共義士、愛國活動-MOFA109179CF-2020-12-PH00044-029 馬祖天后宮門坊外貌 A temple in Matsu, an offshore island
Add to cart 馬祖醫院外貌 The outdoor of undergroung hospital in Matsu an offshore Island-金馬前線、反共義士、愛國活動-MOFA109179CF-2020-12-PH00044-028 馬祖醫院外貌 The outdoor of undergroung hospital in Matsu an offshore Island